2 cups peeled peanuts
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of oil
1 tablespoon of honey
The peanut butter method
Put the peanuts on a clean tray.
Heat the peanuts in the oven for a quarter of an hour.
Put the peanuts in the food processor while it is hot.
Grind it for 3 minutes until it turns brown.
Add oil, salt and honey and mix again.
The peanuts will turn into butter that can be refrigerated to save.
Diet peanut butter
Ingredients for peanut butter diet
1 cup of peanuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons of diet sugar
Modus operandi of peanut butter diet
Bring the mill and put the peanuts in it until it turns into a creamy texture.
Add vanilla and diet sugar and grind again.
Keep the peanut butter in the refrigerator.
Chocolate peanut butter
Chocolate peanut butter ingredients
2 cups of unsalted peanuts
1 teaspoon of salt
4 tablespoons of corn oil
3 tablespoons of honey
3 tablespoons of cocoa
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons of chocolate chips
How to make chocolate peanut butter
Spread the peanuts on a tray in the oven
Leave it for 10 minutes until it roasts.
Put the peanuts in the food processor.
Grind it for 3 minutes.
Add honey, oil, salt, cocoa, cinnamon and chocolate.
Mix until you have a homogeneous texture.
Store peanuts in the refrigerator.